Cofax is a Web-based text and multimedia content management system (CMS). It was designed to simplify the presentation of newspapers on the Web and to expedite real-time Web publication.
Cofax, at it's core, is a framework of software modules and tools to manage and deliver news content from different sources. It was developed using Java, database, and XML technologies. It is easy to use and implement.
Cofax is Open Source software. You can donwload it and use it without licence cost. Moreover, you can develop new functions or modify the source code.
Cofax 2.3 is out !
With many bug fixes and some new enhancements ... [more]
Cofax 2.0 new features :
- Cache for JSP templates
- Wysiwyg editor (HtmlArea) for Internet Explorer 5.5+ and Mozilla 1.3+
- Multilingual back-office (english and french for the moment)
- New design for the back-office, more user-frendly, with shortcuts
- MyAccount page with my last modified articles, my saved searches, my article to validate or publish, my personal information
- Life cycle publication
- Lost password function
- Lock/unlock function for articles
- Workflow for article validation and publication and multistate for articles (draft, in process of validation, published)
- Rights management of creation, validation or publishing articles in sections.
- Right writing or validating articles in sections depends of groups or users
- New module system not intrusive
- Module "image upload"
Cofax is a web-based text and multimedia publication system. It was designed to simplify the presentation of newspapers on the Web and to expedite real-time Web publication.
It was designed originally at Knight Ridder to serve the content for several of its newspapers, including its largest, the Philadelphia Inquirer and Philadelphia Daily News. Cofax was the tool it used to manage and build numerous web sites across its network for two years.
Concepts Cofax technology pioneered are featured in Knight Ridder's new, more extensive CMS solution called the Single Digital Platform, launched February 2, 2002. Currently, Cofax is used across the world as an open source, scalable and powerful content management solution provided by numerous independent solution providers. One of the companies the project is indebted to is Smile. Their work in bringing Cofax to MySQL helps to for fill the promise of its designed database independence.
Read more in our Introduction to Cofax.
Tuesday, December 12th, 2006 :
Cofax 2.3 is finally out and corrects many bugs
Monday, July 19th, 2004 :
The new Cofax.org website is up and running, backed by none other than Cofax itself.
Thursday, May 20th, 2004 :
Cofax 2.0 is available ! with many new features ! Download it on sourceforge
Sunday, May 9th, 2004 :
Cofax now includes the very helpful HTMLArea. This is an HTML textarea with HTML capabilities.
Tuesday, April 27th, 2004 :
Cofax is very much active, for those of you have been writing us to ask.
Tuesday, November 4th, 2003 :
Cofax 2.0 is now undergoing beta testing by the intrepid Cofax crew. Take a look at some screenshots of the incredibly functional new look Cofax. You'll be amazed at how much Cofax has changed!
Friday, March 21st, 2003 :
Tom Arnold, in this month's issue of Newspapers & Technology writes a piece on open source technology and it's impact. He mentions Cofax.