CMS Security Administration

Last Updated: 2002/May/03

Security Overview:



Security consists of Users, Groups, Group Types, and Publications.

A User has a group(s).

A Group has a type.

A Group has a publication(s).


Groups can be an amalgamation of any publications, but can have only one type.

Group Types determine what securities access users of a group will have. Currently, GroupTypes are: Editors, Viewers, National Admins, and Regional Admins. Only National Admins have the ability to edit groups, and only National Admins have the ability to see all users. Regional Admins can edit users only from the groups that they are personally grouped to, and must be given a group by a National Admin.


Current Group Types:

1. Regional Admin - can create / edit users + editor's rights

2. Editor - can edit all aspects of articles and associated materials

3. Viewer - can see all information, but cannot edit any.

4. Interns - cannot edit Article Types, Sections, Upload Templates, but have all other functionality as editor


Users can posess any amount of groups.



Example of group sets for one region:

Group #1: Mid West Region Admin can assign users to all publications below and has all editing and cross-publication rights for publications below.

          Duluth Tribune

          Wichita Eagle

          Grand Forks Herald

          American News (Aberdeen)

          Bradenton Herald


Group #2: Mid West Region Editors have all editing and cross-publication rights for publications below.

          Duluth Tribune

          Wichita Eagle

          Grand Forks Herald

          American News (Aberdeen)

          Bradenton Herald


Group #3: Duluth Tribune Editors have all editing and cross-publication rights for Duluth Tribune.


Group #4: Wichita Eagle Editors have all editing and cross-publication rights Wichita Eagle.


Group #5: Grand Forks Herald Editors have all editing and cross-publication rights for Grand Forks Herald.


Group #6: American News (Aberdeen) Editors have all editing and cross-publication rights for American News (Aberdeen).


Group #7: Bradenton Herald Editors have all editing and cross-publication rights for publications Bradenton Herald.


Group #8: Bradenton / Grand Forks Editors have all editing and cross-publication rights for publications below.

Bradenton Herald

Grand Forks Herald


Tools Security Functions


Edit User

Delete User: Check this box before submitting to delete user.

User Handle (ID): User's ID - assigned by DataBase and not editable.

User Name: The User's login name.

User Password: The User's login password.

User Password Again:  repeat password.

User Groups: Check the groups that the User should belong to.

First Name: The User's first name.

Last Name: The User's last name.

Home Publication: The publication that the user will default to upon tools entry. User's home publication MUST be set to a publication that they are grouped to or the user will not be able to function 

Email: The User's email.

Work Phone: The User's work phone.

Cell Phone: The User's cell phone.

Pager: The User's pager.

Notes: Notes about the User.


Edit Groups


Group ID:  Group's ID - assigned by DataBase and not editable.

Group Name:  The name of the Group as it will appear on html pages for reference.

Group Description:  Description of the Group for administrative purposes. 

Group Type:  The securities type of the Group – view “edit securities” page to inspect securities settings.

Group Publications:  The publications that the Group will contain.


Non Group Publications:  The publications that the group will not contain.


Edit Group Type


Group Type ID:  Group Type’s ID - assigned by DataBase and not editable.

Group Type Name:  The name of the Group Type as it will appear on html pages for reference.

Group Type Description:  Description of the Group Type for administrative purposes.


Edit Security

Edit security presents the user with a block of actions and Group Types. In order for a Group Type to be able to perform an action, that particular action’s grid must be checked. Action naming conventions should be adequate for the user to understand what each action consists of.


Clear Tools Cache

The tools currently cache certain database query results in order to avoid repetitive calls to the database. Which queries are cached is determined by a column in cofax_tools tblPackageTags named “cache.” This cache is cleared upon all events that effect stored queries, such as: “edit_publication”, “edit_section”, etc. The “Clear Tools Cache” link exists as a precaution only, and allows manual clearing of the results cache in case results are stored past the point of a change.


Reset Servlet Parameters

Reset Servlet Parameters allows reloading of the servlet config files without a server restart.